Analog Sensors
All analog sensors are connected to analog ports of remote monitoring units or PDUs, determination of the sensor type and connection will occur automatically. Conditions monitored include: indoor and outdoor temperature, humidity, AC voltage, door open/closed, vibration, smoke, movement, water leakage and airflow. All sensors use 4 level thresholds: low alarm, low warning, normal, high warning, high alarm. Sensors VT530, VT540, VT560 allows chain connection. Third party analog sensors can be connected using 4-20mA converter VT420 or 0-10V DC voltage meter VT410-10.
VT 500 / Temprature Sensor
Sensor is needed for measurement of temperature indoors.
Operating temperature: −50… +105°С.
VT 501/ Outdoor Temprature Sensor
Sensor is needed for measurement of temperature outdoors.
Operating temperature: −50… +105°С
VT 510 / Humadity Sensor ( Nem Sensörü)
VT520/ AC Voltage Monitor
VT530 / Access Sensor
VT531 / Optical Access Sensor
VT540 / Vibration SensorAt installation on walls, windows, etc., sensor controls vibration. Chain connection is possible.
VT560 / Smoke DedektorDetector detects smoke indoors. Operating temperature: 0… +70°С. Chain connection is possible.
VT 590 / Spot Water DedectorWhen water is in contact with the metal cores, the sensor indicates the emergence of moisture. Attention! Metal cores are detectors of water, mount strictly downwards as close as its possible to a floor. |
VT591 / Water Leak Rope SensorWhen water is in contact with detection cable sensor indicates the emergence of moisture. Water detection cable 50 is ordered separately art. SC-WDC! If sensor is constantly responding to high water levels, replace it with a level sensor.
WDC / Water Dedection RopeWhen water is in contact with detection rope, sensor indicates the emergence of moisture. Water detection cable length: 6m, 10m, 17m, 25m, 50 m. If sensor is constantly responding to high water levels, replace it with a level sensor. Available articles are: WDC 50, WDC 25, WDC 17, WDC 10 or WDC 6. |
VT570 / PIR Sensor