FM 200 Gas Extinguishing Systems
FM 200 is a fire extinguishing material that is not electrically conductive, clean, colorless, environmentally friendly and harmless to people. FM 200 gas is a world-wide accepted and respected system that absorbs heat first and extinguishes it by interfering with the fire flame without leaving any residue, thus minimizing damage, loss and time loss of the operating system after fire.
The FM 200 Gas is a Halon alternative gas that is released to the market after the ban on the use of Halon 1301 gas and is the most widely used.
FM 200 (HFC-227ea) Gas; carbon, hydrogen (CF3CHFCF3-heptafluoropropane), and fluorine. The chemical name is "Heptafluoropropane".
The FM 200 Extinguishing System is used in humans' environments without damaging the ozone. Compared to other quenching systems, the space-saving system is economical and the duration of quench; maximum 10 seconds after gas discharge starts