Can Digital Sensors & Extensions
Digital CAN sensors allow chain connection for up to 225 meters away from monitoring unit. Determination of the devices and its connection is done through web-interface. Conditions monitored include: temperature, humidity, access, dry contacts, vibration, smoke, movement and airflow. All sensors use 4 level thresholds: low alarm, low warning, normal, high warning, high alarm.
VT408 / Extension Unit
VT430 / Rack Control UnitThe unit has all possibilities for rack control, PIR sensor for door control, 2 dry contacts, temperature and humidity sensors. Operating temperature: −40… +125°С.
VT440 / Dry Contacts UnitAllows to increase the number of dry contacts connected to any Vutlan monitoring unit. Adds 32 dry contacts. Can be connected to any CAN port. The number of dry contacts inside VT440 can be increased up to 64 with dry contacts module VT32
VT32 / Dry Contacts BoardCan be embedded inside VT440 (Dry Contacts extension unit). It has 32 dry contacts. Used to increase the number of dry contacts in VT440 from 32 to 64. Ordered separately from VT440. |
VT460 / Smoke, humidity and temperature sensorSmoke, humidity and temperature sensor with high smoke sensitivity and precise temperature, humidity measurement. Operating temperature: −40… +125°С. |
VT470 / PIR, Vibration and Temprature Sensor
VT490/ Humadity and Temprature Sensor